Monday, 14 January 2013

Rainbow Camera Club Meeting
Thursday 10 January 2013
Venue: "The Cabin" - Rossinver, Co Leitrim 
Time: 8:00pm to 10:pm 

Seventeen members turned up for the first meeting of 2013 of the Rainbow Camera Club. This included several new members.

The meeting opened with Pat Mullan, one of the club's founder members, giving a brief history of the activities of the club since its inception in June 2012, including details of photographic shoots and a visit in November to the Boyle Camera Club.

It was decided that we should organise a committee to co-ordinate the activities of the club going forward. After a lot of discussion the following people were co-opted as an initial committee:-

  • Eileen McGuinness (Co Leitrim) - Chairperson 
  • Martin Cooke (Co Leitrim) - Secretary 
  • Tony Griffin (Co Cavan) - Treasurer 
  • Tina Rock (Co Cavan) 
  • Greta bb McMorrow (Co Cavan) 
  • Hilary Carson (Co Fermanagh) 
  • Seán Fox (Co Leitrim)

Some of the members present
(Seated L to R Treasurer, Chair, Secretary)

Tony Griffin and Eileen McGuinness agreed that they would meet on Friday 11 January in Manorhamilton and open an account with Manorhamilton Credit Union and deposit the club funds. Before the next monthly meeting the committee members would make enquiries regarding insurance costs and affiliation with the Irish and British Photography Federations, and report back to the general membership.

This business took quite a while and was followed by a ten minute break for refreshments.

After the break there was a brief discussion on the structure of our future meetings. It was agreed that they should generally be in two parts, with a ten-minute break in between. The first part would consist of an introductory greeting by the club chairperson, who would inform the members present on what would be happening that night. This would be followed by the main event of the evening, which might be a demonstration by one of the members, or a talk by a visiting photographer, or something similar. This would take us up to the break. After the break there would be a chat of maybe five or ten minutes on what's happening or planned to happen that might be of relevance to the members, followed by a slide show of members' photographs - with constructive comments.

The remainder of January's meeting was taken up with a slide show of photographs that members had emailed to Pat Mullan in the days before the meeting. Special thanks should be given to Jonas Dellow for his technical help during this slide show. There were some stunning photographs on view, and some of them can be seen on the RCC facebook page which can be viewed here.

Just one of many photos submitted

February Club Meeting

This will be held on Thursday, 14 February 2013, in "The Cabin", Rossinver, Co Leitrim from 8:00pm to 10:00pm.

Members are encouraged to provide up to three new photographs each, to be shown as part of the slide show on the evening.

Please email the photographs to by Monday, 11 February. Ideally resize your photographs to a maximum of 1024 pixels on their longest edge before emailing them.

Thursday, 3 January 2013

Welcome to the Rainbow Camera Club - a cross-border camera club set up in June 2012 to just "go out there" and have some fun, sharing ideas, experience and knowledge.

Most people's introduction to photography may have come as a Christmas or birthday present and - apart from the occasional use - the remainder of the camera's life is spent in the darkness of a drawer or cupboard. As a group the Rainbow Camera Club can shine some light on how to actually use the camera and open a whole new world to the members, with demonstrations, motivational competitions, exhibitions, and various outings and photographic shoots throughout the year.

Members of the club like to share their knowledge and make things fun for all involved. The cross-border  nature of the club is reflected in the fact that members currently come from Counties Fermanagh, Donegal, Cavan, Leitrim, and Sligo.

New members are always welcome. To join you don't have to have an all-singing and all-dancing expensive camera, nor do you need to be an expert. For information on joining email

Our next meeting is in The Cabin, beside the GAA football field, Rossinver, Co Leitrim on the 10th January 2013 from 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm. All welcome!

View The Cabin in a larger map