Tuesday, 16 April 2013


Thanks must be given to Rainbow Camera Club member, Deirdre Dillon Malone, who gave the members present a very informative demonstration on the effects of using different Aperture settings.

As can be seen in the photo below, using a large aperture (a smaller "F" number) means that only a small range of the image will be in focus, whereas using a small aperture (a larger "F" number) means that more of the image will be in focus.

This effect is often referred to as the Depth of Field. So, to get a greater depth of field (perhaps when photographing a landscape) it will be necessary to close the aperture down (use a large F number - or F-stop). When you want to make one object stand out (with the rest of the objects in the photo being out of focus and therefore less distracting) you will need to open the aperture (use a small F number). This can be particularly effective when you are taking a portrait shot of a single person.

In next month's meeting Rainbow Camera Club member, Pat Mullan will give a demonstration to the members present on Shutter Speed.

Finally, just a quick reminder that the motivational theme for this month is "The Sky". A reminder about this will be emailed to members a week or so before the next meeting, which will be held in The Cabin, Rossinver, Co Leitrim on Thursday, 9th May 2013, from 8 to 10pm.

Saturday, 6 April 2013

April Club Meeting

Just a reminder that the next meeting of the cross border Rainbow Camera Club will be held this coming Thursday, 11th April, in our usual spot: The Cabin, Rossinver, Co Leitrim, from 8pm to 10pm. Hopefully as many as you as possible will be able to attend. New members are always welcome.

During the first part of this meeting Deirdre Dillon-Malone will be giving a demonstration of Aperture and how setting different apertures will effect the depth of field, allowing either more or less of the background (and foreground) to be in focus. Pat Mullan will hopefully assist her by connecting the camera via Live View to the television screen so that members will be able to see in real-time the effects from using different apertures.

Also a reminder that the Motivational Theme for this months photographs is Spring. Feel free to interpret this in any way you like (a few suggestions: lambsPaddy's DayEasterdaffodils - but it's entirely up to you how you interpret the theme). Please send up to three photographs by email to rainbowcameraclub@gmail.com by Midnight, Monday, 8th April. If possible resize your photos to 1024 pixels on their longest edge. A slideshow of the submitted photographs will be shown after the break.

As the slideshow will probably probably not be put  together until Wednesday, it is likely that your photographs may be accepted a little late - but this cannot be guaranteed so get them in on time if at all possible. If a member submits more than three photographs, it is possible that only three will be selected for the slideshow.

Hoping to see as many of you as possible on the night!

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

New Forum for Club Members

A new forum has been set up for paid up members of the Rainbow Camera Club.

You can view it here