Sunday, 9 February 2014

February Meeting

A few bits of information regarding the club meet this coming Thursday (13th Feb)

(1) Location

We shall be meeting in our usual spot: The Cabin, Rossinver, Co Leitrim, with a start time of 8:00pm

(2) Motivational Slideshow

Just to remind you all that the motivational theme chosen for this month's slideshow to be shaown after the break was an Open one. This means that members are free to send up to three images, on any theme, taken since the last meeting (9th January 2014) to before midnight on Tuesday 11th February for inclusion in the slideshow.
Also a reminder that the motivational themes for the rest of the year have already been decided upon. Details of each month's motivational theme can be found on this website here.
(3) Photo Critique
Club member Regina Magee offered at last month's meeting to provide a photograph of hers for critique by other members of the club. Hopefully this will become a regular item at club meetings - with other members offering to submit an image in different months - and everyone will learn at least something from the discussions that follow.
We shall probably look at Regina's image after the opening announcements at this month's meeting.
(4) Demonstration Of Portrait Photography
Club member Pat Mullan has offered to give a short demonstration before the break on portrait photography. If members wish to bring along their own cameras then perhaps they will be able to learn a little about how to use them to take portraits.
(5) Club Fees
Finally just a reminder that if you have not yet paid your annual subscription fee (€25 Adult and €10 Junior) they are now due.