Thursday, 3 September 2015

September Club Meeting (and "Print Battle")

Here's hoping club members have all enjoyed the summer (what little of it there was) and have managed to get out with their cameras and got some worthwhile shots.
Just a reminder that the next club meeting will be on Thursday 10th of September, and the motivational theme is "Macro Photography".
The Print Battle between Rainbow Camera club and North West Camera Club (Ballyshannon) is scheduled to take place in October. Basically it will involve each club producing nine A3 prints from their members' photographs, one from each of nine different themes, and then getting in an independent judge to choose the winner in each of the individual categories. The winning club would be the one with the highest number of winning images.
The nine themes chosen were:
  • Wildlife
  • Macro Photography
  • Sport
  • Reflections
  • Decay
  • Street Photography
  • Contradiction
  • Circles (the shape)
  • Open
So we have between now and sometime in October to get our nine images chosen and printed. As they have to be printed at A3 size, they need to be high quality images.

At our September meeting we will put some time aside to discuss this.

Three of the themes happen to have been our motivational themes this year: Wildlife, Reflections, and Macro Photography - which may be of help for us choosing images.
If members have any images that they think may be suitable for any of the categories feel free to either email them to the normal club address, or bring them on a memory stick (or memory card) to the September meeting. In the meantime the submissions for the various monthly motivations will be examined by the committee and a list will be put together of possible suggestions for the various categories. These will be shown and be discussed at the September meeting.
Hopefully we can choose an image for each of the nine categories at the meeting, so that they can be printed before the October meeting.

The club will of course arrange for the images to be printed, and cover the cost from club funds, once they have been selected.