Monday, 7 December 2015

Club Christmas Dinner and Motivational Slideshow.

The club's Annual Christmas Dinner has been arranged for the evening of Friday, 11th December 2015 in the Riverside Bar, Garrison, Co Fermanagh. This will replace our usual monthly meeting. Arrival time of 8:30pm and sitting down to eat at 9:00pm. A menu for the night is included below. The cost for a 4 course meal is £20 (or €25). Please note the additional charge of £5/€7 should you choose the Sirloin Steak. It is not necessary to decide on your choice of menu until the night. Any members who have not already said they will attend, please email as soon as possible, stating whether they will be bringing a partner or friend. This information is needed to let the Riverside Bar know how many tables to reserve.

Also a reminder that the motivational theme for this month is Food Photography. Members may interpret this theme in any way they see fit, and are encouraged to submit up to four images on this theme, taken since the  beginning of this year, for inclusion in the slideshow to be shown in the Riverside Bar after the Christmas Dinner this Friday evening in Garrison. Please email your photographs to If at all possible resize your images so that they are 1024 pixels on their longest edge, and make sure that they are received by me by midnight on Wednesday 9th December. We shall also be re-showing all of this year's motivational slideshows on Friday.

And you might like to have a look at November's Motivational Slideshow ("Night Photography") which has been uploaded to the club's YouTube page. You can see it here.